What Are The Most Common Vision-related Problems?

What Are The Most Common Vision-related Problems?

The most common vision problems are refractive errors, which are problems related to the way the eye focuses. Light acquires different propagation speeds in different material media. In the process of vision in people, light is bent or refracted as it passes through the cornea and the lens until it is focused on the retina, at the back of the eye.

On occasions, the shape of the eye can be altered for different reasons –alterations in the shape of the cornea or aging of the lens-, which prevents a direct focus of light on the retina. This usually causes blurred vision, although there are also other symptoms such as double or cloudy vision, glare or halos around bright lights, headaches, or eyestrain. Thus different types of refractive errors are discussed below by God Service Eye Clinic!

Types of Common Refractive Errors

Most people suffer from one or more of the following refractive errors:


It is a problem in the curvature of the cornea, which causes the eye to receive partially blurred images.


Instead of directly on the retina, the eye concentrates the image of an object in front of it. As a consequence, near objects are seen clearly, while distant ones are blurred. It usually worsens in childhood and adolescence but stabilizes in adulthood.


In this case, the image that arrives is not focused on the retina, but behind it, which makes it impossible to see nearby objects clearly, but allows one to see far ones clearly.

The Presbyopia  

Also known colloquially as eyestrain. This is a type of hyperopia related to age -it appears after the age of 35-, which reduces the ability to focus up close: the eye does not focus light evenly on the retina, which implies that images are blurred. look blurry or elongated.

Refractive errors are diagnosed by a complete eye exam, including dilation of the pupils, by an ophthalmologist. They can be corrected with the use of glasses, contact lenses, or laser surgery.

What other problems or diseases can affect the eyes?

Some eye problems are temporary, but others can cause permanent vision loss. Among the various ailments are:


It is an opaqueness of the lens of the eye, which prevents images from being seen clearly or, even, from being seen at all. They are more common in the elderly, who require surgery to remove them. When they occur in babies and young children, they must be treated to avoid permanent problems with vision development.

Colour Blindness

It is an alteration in the cells that are inside the retina (specifically, in the cones), which cannot be corrected. In most cases, color-blind people confuse some colors with others, usually red and green.


The conjunctiva is infected or inflamed with this condition. The most common, called acute, can cause redness of the eye, tearing, itching, and, sometimes, pus.


It arises because one of the follicles where the eyelashes grow becomes infected. It is usually treated with warm compresses and/or antibiotics.


It is an injury to the optic nerve due to increased eye pressure. It is one of the main causes of blindness in Western countries, especially among the elderly population, and it is usually not diagnosed until part of the vision has been lost.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

It is another eye disease that mainly affects people over 60 years of age. When macula degeneration occurs, the central area of ​​the retina presents scars that deteriorate vision over the years. In addition to age, cholesterol, and smoking increase the risk of AMD.


The eyes look crossed, usually due to some imbalance in the force exerted by the muscles that help the eyes stay straight and move at the same time. It is usually corrected with surgery and, if left untreated in childhood, can cause permanent loss of vision in the least used eye (known as amblyopia).

Eye Injuries

They can be caused by the action of irritating agents such as sand, dirt, or foreign bodies on the ocular surface, as well as by chemical products or residues that become embedded in the eye or impact against it. They can cause temporary or permanent vision loss, so if they occur, see a doctor immediately.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Permanently high blood glucose levels, coupled with hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, increase the risk of blockage of the network of blood vessels that supply the retina. This can damage your eyesight or cause permanent vision loss. After forty years of evolution of the disease, more than 60% of diabetic patients present retinopathy, according to the Diabetes Foundation.


It is the loss of useful vision, either temporarily or permanently. The causes are numerous: from defects or congenital lesions of the eye, in the optic nerve, or in the brain, to eye lesions or diseases such as diabetes, which can cause macular degeneration. Also, the problems that occur in the eye due to age can cause blindness.

What is Eyestrain?

Visual fatigue or asthenopia is a very common disorder suffered by millions of people around the world. It mainly affects those who carry out their work at close range for a long time; for example, those who have to work in front of a computer for at least four hours straight.

Asthenopia encompasses all disorders and discomforts that appear in relation to near vision, such as ocular discomfort, blurred vision, a sporadic sensation of diplopia (double vision), a sensation of premature fatigue, inability to maintain constantly a clear image at the programmed distance or headaches.

It can be caused by a poor condition of the ocular apparatus or be due to different factors:

      Related to the job: such as poor lighting, having to work with vertical objects such as a computer screen, the location of the job, its width, postural impositions, etc.

      Environmental: temperature, relative humidity, ventilation...

      Personal: for example, stress.

Its symptoms and signs are:

      Sensation of heaviness in the eyes.

      Feeling of eye strain.

      Awareness of the existence of one's own eyes.

      Eye redness.

      Eye stinging.

      Increased secretion of tears.


      Decreased visual acuity.

      Blurred perception of objects.

      Double vision, usually sporadic.

      Retroocular pain (at the back of the eye).

To avoid visual fatigue, ophthalmologists recommend taking care of the light conditions in the room and taking short breaks at work on a regular basis, among other measures.

When should I go to the ophthalmologist?

Eye diseases, such as glaucoma, do not always present symptoms, and, often, a specialist is only seen when partial vision loss has already occurred. On the other hand, not correcting refractory problems with the right lenses can also cause, in addition to blurred vision, headaches, and an increase in visual fatigue, in addition to having a negative impact on work or academic performance.

For this reason, it is necessary to go regularly to the ophthalmologist, always according to the schedule that he indicates. Early detection and early treatment of eye diseases can prevent blindness.

In any case, A specialist should be consulted whenever blurred, double, or cloudy vision, eye pain, pus secretion, or inflammation occurs. In the case of eye injury, you should also go to the doctor as soon as possible. If there is a foreign body in the eye, you can only try to remove it by pouring plenty of water, never by touching, squeezing, or rubbing the eye.

Finally, attention should be paid to the behavior of children and take them to their pediatrician in case they scratch their eyes excessively, squint them often, sit too close to the TV, or complain of headaches while listening. end of the day.

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