7 Best Indoor Plants For Apartment Living

7 Best Indoor Plants for Apartment Living

Houseplants that thrive inside can improve the health of your indoor environment. If you are searching for the best indoor plants for your apartment, you might face a tough question. This is because the indoor gardener constantly faces not-so-good plant conditions. For example, there is often less light, humidity, and safety (looking at you, pets). But there is still hope. After assessing your apartment's conditions, you can still find some great indoor plants for apartment living. Here are our seven favorite picks.

#1 Ferns

Because of their capacity to thrive in dim lighting, ferns are sometimes cited as examples of the most successful houseplants. They're almost as durable as artificial plants! Because of their photosensitivity, ferns prefer shaded locations. They will be pretty content in any nook or crevice you can provide.

In order to keep your fern healthy, you must water it regularly. To make sure your ferns' leaves are getting adequate water, you may spray them with water. These fantastic plants have such a high tolerance for damp conditions that they can even make your bathroom dreamy! Keep the soil equally moist and water your fern frequently, and you shouldn't have any trouble keeping these amazing indoor plants for apartment living.


#2 Golden Pothos

This one is perfect for beginners! The Golden Pothos can live in situations where no other plant can, including extremely little light and practically no water. One of the most well-liked houseplants, it features attractive, hardy, and simple-to-grow vines with smooth, leathery, heart-shaped leaves. They require little maintenance and may be readily moved along with you. This is great if you often travel and want to take your plant with you. However, you still need to be aware of the rules of how to move plants. With some preparation, you can take your Golden Pothos around the globe!

The leaves of certain cultivars alternate with rope-like green stalks that exhibit unique marbling. To prevent the vines from becoming tangled, they should be frequently loosened and cleaned. The plant is harmful to animals. Therefore it's best to keep them away from it.

#3 ZZ Plant

This plant is ideal if you don't have a lot of space or light to devote to gardening. The ZZ Plant is one of the hardiest around, making it an ideal selection for those who don't quite have a green thumb. It's almost as durable as artificial plants! It's also visually pleasing due to its towering size and glossy dark green leaves.

The low-light tolerance and ease of care of the ZZ Plant make it a top pick. You simply have to water it every two weeks! Don't water unless the earth has dried up. One possible solution is to use potting soil designed for indoor use that allows adequate drainage. If you feel like it, you can apply a houseplant fertilizer once a month. And, of course, ensure that your ZZ gets sufficient indirect light. But if that's difficult, it can also endure lower light levels. As such, it's one of the best indoor plants for apartment living!

ZZ plant

#4 The Peacock Plant

Peacock plants are the proud owners of the most eye-catching foliage, with their leaves intricately striped in green, yellow, pink, and white. A peacock plant will make a statement in any room, especially in the living area. These plants thrive best in warm, humid climates with temperatures between 64 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Regular misting is also helpful for them. However, make sure it doesn't get too much water at once. Leaves will begin to yellow if the plant is overwatered. Follow the drench and drought rule to ensure the soil stays dry between waterings. Place them in a north or east-facing window for indirect, comfortable light.

#5 Philodendron

A fun fact about this unique plant – it remains one of the most popular indoor plants for apartments in the United States! If you pay attention, your Philodendron will tell you just what it needs to thrive, making it a great indoor plant for apartment living. It's advisable to arrange it near a window that receives indirect sunlight. These plants do best when their soil is allowed to dry out a little between waterings, preferably by an inch or two. A Philodendron will never give you the runaround if you're willing to pay attention. If the leaves on your Philodendron suddenly change color or sag, it needs some care.

#6 Peace Lily

Because of their versatility and minimal care, Peace Lilies are popular. With proper care, these lilies may grow between 3 and 5 feet tall, making them ideal as centerpieces or large floor plants. They are perfect for decorating your home. It's best to shield them from the sun altogether. When the peace lily begins to wilt, it is time to water it. If you cannot tell when the soil is dry, this method might help you prevent drowning your plant. A natural way to clean the air, Peace Lilies are a common sight in many homes.

A peace lily

#7 Dragon Tree

A towering dragon tree is a great way to inject some theatrical flair into any space. In contrast to the spiky appearance of the long-leafed peace lily, the leaves of these plants have a smoother, more pleasant feel. Since it tends to grow erect, it won't get in the way of your rush as you make your way around the house. This makes them excellent for decorating your living room.

This plant can flourish in any part of the world. Overwatering and shady conditions can be fatal for this plant, as this combination causes root rot. However, letting the soil dry out in between waterings is okay.

Protecting your pet is something you should think about. Pets (especially cats) who like nibbling on the blade-like leaves of this plant may become unwell as a result of doing so. Because of this, store dragon tree where it is out of the reach of children and their pets.

In Conclusion

These wonderful indoor plants for apartment living will add beauty to your home. However, even though these plants might be a bit easier to grow, that is no excuse to forget about them. Lighting and humidity are essential for the growth of any plant. Also, keep in mind that the sun will be coming in at a slightly different angle into your home during winter. As so, feel free to rearrange your plants. It can lead to some fun home redecorating!

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