Vision Problems In The Elderly

Vision Problems In The Elderly

Vision problems are part of the daily life of many older people. Not everyone has, however, the same problems or the same degree of deterioration in sight. The key to optimal ophthalmic treatment is early detection. Therefore, let's see what are the main vision problems that older people can suffer, and how to take care of their eyesight at JLR Eye Hospital!

Main Vision Problems In The Elderly


It consists of difficulty on the part of the optic nerve to transmit information to the brain. Possible risk factors for developing glaucoma include diabetes or high blood pressure. It is worrisome to generate a lack of previous symptoms, the main effect being the reduction of the visual field, which can lead to blindness.

To prevent it, it is best to periodically check your eye strain. This is especially important after the age of 40 or if there is a family history of glaucoma.

Macular Degeneration

The main symptom of macular degeneration is loss of central vision and distorted vision. It occurs due to the accumulation of various waste substances in the central part of the retina.

Despite this, mobility is not at risk, since peripheral vision is maintained. Other activities such as reading and facial recognition will be affected. It is also one of the most important causes of blindness in the elderly.


Cataracts occur when the lens in the eye becomes progressively cloudier, thus preventing light from passing through. When this happens, the loss of vision occurs progressively and slowly.

Although it can cause blindness, it also has a treatment. Surgery is usually effective, so this problem is reversible. Among the most important risk factors are nutritional problems (diabetes or malnutrition), being a woman, or smoking.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes is a disease that is a risk factor for many other diseases. Among others, it can cause damage to the cells of the retina. This is known as diabetic retinopathy. Some people do not notice symptoms, but others may notice spots or loss of central vision.

It will be necessary to go to the doctor and follow the nutritional, exercise, and medication guidelines that he prescribes. With this, you can lead a normal life despite having this disease.

Dry Eyes

Many problems can cause dry eyes. From hormonal changes to menopause, various medications (such as antidepressants or anxiolytics), or allergies.

Although the problem may seem less serious, the symptoms of stinging or burning eyes can be more than annoying. The first thing the doctor will do is determine the cause of the dryness. You will most likely need an artificial source of lubrication for the eye (artificial tears).

Presbyopia Or Eyestrain

With age, the crystalline lens loses elasticity. This causes aging of the eye which causes a loss of vision. There will therefore be difficulties in doing tasks such as reading, using the computer, or knitting. The solution, however, is as simple as the use of appropriate glasses.

How To Prevent Vision Problems In The Elderly

Vision problems don't just affect older people's ability to do things like reading or watching TV. They represent a loss of autonomy and independence of the person. In addition, they can cause problems such as falls, isolation, depression, etc. It is a chain of events that we can try to prevent.

Let's see some of the tools at our disposal to take care of eye health and prevent vision problems in the elderly:

Routine Eye Exams

It is important to go for a review at least once a year or, at least, once every two years. This is especially important as we become adults or enter old age. In these reviews, the oculist will be able to detect those vision changes that may be taking place. These can indicate possible beginnings of diseases that, in time, can be treated and are curable and preventable.

Detect Possible Symptoms

Perhaps we realize that it is costing us more than before to read, write, watch television, go shopping, recognize faces, etc. If so, it is important to go to the eye doctor as soon as possible. It may also be that you have seen it in someone.

An older person may accidentally drop objects, tilt their face to see better, fall, or have difficulty walking. This can also be a symptom of vision problems in older people.

Maintain A Healthy Diet

Foods rich in vitamins C and E and zinc are good, not only for general health but also for eye health. We should take citrus fruits, vegetables, oils, cold water fish, etc. This can help prevent diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and dry eyes.

No Smoking

Tobacco smoke can affect you if you are a passive smoker, as well as the toxic substances of tobacco if you are a smoker. All this can favor the appearance of cataracts, macular degeneration, dry eyes, etc. It could also lead to cardiovascular disease. These indirectly affect vision.

Watch Your Health

Control your cholesterol and glucose levels, as well as your blood pressure. High blood pressure and high sugar levels can increase the risk of vision loss due to eye diseases. Taking care of your body not only helps your eyes, but your whole body.

Do Exercise

It may sound exaggerated, but it is true. Maintaining adequate levels of physical activity helps prevent many diseases in the body in general. However, they also help eye health. Doing thirty minutes of exercise can help prevent diseases such as cholesterol, hypertension, or diabetes. In turn, these affect, as we have seen, many eye diseases.

Protect Yourself From The Sun

Exposure to ultraviolet rays increases the risk of many diseases. Among them, we can find cataracts, the growth of eye masses, or even cancer. Therefore, the use of hats or sunglasses can be a great preventive measure, and easy to do!

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