Disasters can happen anywhere and at any hour. You hope your business never has to deal with one, but you have to be prepared for them. Knowing what to do when disaster strikes at your business can mean the difference between bouncing back to a normal status quo or facing weeks to months of delays in dealing with things.
The Disaster
A small
fire might be something you can put out, and a burst pipe might be something
where you can cut off the flow of water. Don't try to be a hero, but if you can
contain a disaster, do it. Otherwise, get everyone to safety first and just let
things play out from a safe distance.
Sure Everyone Is Okay
Before you
worry about your business or the property involved, be sure everyone is okay.
Check on everyone on your team to make sure they're alright, and verify that
any guests or visitors are also still okay. If the disaster involves others,
whether it's a driver who accidentally hit your store or someone else, you need
to be sure they're okay, even if they might have caused all this.
The Right Responders
You might
not need EMTs if no one is hurt, and not all disasters mean calling in a fire
truck. However, many disasters will require some kind of assistance. For
instance, if you get flooded, you will need to arrange for commercial water damage restoration to get
your business back to the way it was.
If your
business is open to the public, then you shouldn't be right now. Make sure your
customers are all okay if they were present for the disaster, but once you do
that, send them on their way. Having them around right now is just asking for
trouble down the road.
corporate insurance will need as much documentation as possible to process a
potential claim, and you might even need this evidence to fight off frivolous
lawsuits from customers and employees alike. At the very least, use this
documentation to figure out what happened so you can learn how to prevent or
minimize it in the future.
Back To Business
on the severity and nature of your business disaster, your location might be
partially or even totally shut down for a while. If you keep your calm and
manage everything the best you can, then hopefully it won't be long before
everything is back to normal.