DIY Tips To Improve Open Garden Privacy Make Sense

DIY Tips to Improve Open Garden Privacy Make Sense

Making your garden more secluded is the best way to make it feel like an oasis. Achieving this is not a difficult task but it does require quite a bit of creativity on your part. You must approach this situation from a different standpoint and see what the pros and cons of different ideas are. For instance, some ideas are cost-effective and elegant but would take years to realize. Others may require a higher level of craftsmanship than you possess. Then, some require a special layout or size of your garden. All in all, here are several ideas that you need to consider.

1.      Hang Shade Sails

Hanging shade sails is a simple solution to your problem and all it takes is for you to mount a couple of hooks to either pre-existing structure or a pillar. Shade sails protect from rain, sun, and even snow but this is not their primary function. The biggest advantage of shade sails lies in the fact that you can easily dismount them, fold them, and store them in a basement, shed, or attic. Even there, they won’t take too much space. Depending on the angle of shade sales, you can use them as an alternative wall to conceal the seating area in your backyard.

2.     Construct A Pergola

Constructing a pergola is one of your best and most elegant options when it comes to providing your backyard with some much-needed privacy. While its sides are often exposed, you will be protected from above, which is quite useful if your neighbors have balconies. Moreover, you can add a screen or use any kind of textile to protect it from the sides. According to expert builders of pergolas from Sydney, this type of structure is incredibly versatile and can be customized to fit the needs of your backyard in any way necessary. Therefore, it opens up new options and possibilities.

3.     Grow A Hedge

A living fence is probably the most stylish of options that you have available. Therefore, you might want to consider the option of growing a hedge. The biggest downside of this method is time – it takes three to seven years to attain the desired size of a hedge. Sure, you can facilitate this process by buying semi-mature plants but they require extra care in planting and watering, as well as cost more. Nonetheless, this is one of the ways to get yourself an instant hedge. On exposed sites, hedges might need a shelter, which is why you might want to add a fence, either way. Needless to say, this will add to your gardening responsibilities.

4.     See-Through Screen With Vines

Getting a living or an inanimate fence is not a dilemma that you will absolutely have to face. After all, you can isolate an outdoor private enclave with a see-through screen and then dampen some of this transparency by growing vines against it. While this looks luxurious (even extravagant), it’s much easier to pull off in a DIY fashion than you would imagine. By getting some of the fastest-growing vines, you could further facilitate this process. Clematis, wisteria, trumpet vine, and hops are some of your options.

5.     Elevate The Surroundings

One of the ways to shield the area from the outside view would be to elevate the surrounding landscape. Raised garden beds are always an elegant solution but there are other ways to make the landscape do your bidding. A multi-level backyard design is one of the ways for you to improve the privacy of your garden, as well as make it stand out in the neighborhood. By making a clearing in the middle, you will leave enough space for the seating area, while simultaneously turning it into an outdoor shelter.

6.     Layered Privacy

While shrubbery might not do a good job at keeping you concealed from the prying eye, layered privacy planting is still quite an effective method. It’s a concept meant for larger gardens where layers after layers of shade trees come together to form a non-transparent obstacle between your garden and the outside world. The downside of this method is that it takes a lot of work, patience, and it will take years for the method to become fully effective. Still, the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see the results.

In Conclusion

In the end, the very concept of an open garden can be quite contradictory. On the one hand, it is supposed to be devoid of barriers (by its very definition). At the same time, you want to shield yourself from both the sun and prying eyes. The above-listed six ideas walk this thin line and allow you to have the best of both worlds. How well you manage to combine this and pull it off remains up to you. The crucial aspect of organizing all of this lies in your ability to visualize the garden space.

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