How To Get Rid of Flies: 9 Proven Ways & Expert Tips

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Flies in the house are not only an annoying factor but also a source of potential danger to residents. Figured out how to eliminate flies indoors and prevent them from appearing in the future

Flies live on average for about a month, but if they live in a house, then they have time to decently harm people during this time. These insects multiply quickly and interfere with the tenants of the apartment. Together with an expert, we figure out why flies are dangerous, how to get rid of them using folk, industrial methods, and when it is time to resort to the help of professional pest control.


Where Do Flies Come From

Flies enter the apartment from the street from the entrance or through the ventilation holes and multiply within it. Insect larvae often end up in homes with spoiled vegetables and fruits.


The problem is especially urgent in summer when it is hot outside and insects actively reproduce on organic waste. By the way, in summer, flies can do without visiting human dwellings, but once inside, they often cannot fly out of the room: due to the peculiarities of the reticular structure of the eyes, they do not distinguish glass.


Often the "invasion" of flies also happens in the fall, when the temperature outside decreases - they instinctively look for a warmer place. In the winter, insects hibernate and may well stay in secluded places of the apartment to wake up in the spring.


Why Flies are Dangerous


In addition to annoying buzzing, flies, like most insects, also cause more serious problems - they are carriers of infectious diseases, including such as tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera, and helminthiasis.


Insects feed through a long proboscis, preferring liquid food. Getting into the kitchen, the first thing they do is fly to a mug with cooled tea, a spilled compote, or a drop of honey left on the table. Bacteria spread quickly from flies to food and garbage. If an insect lays eggs in food, it can be severely poisoned. In particular, for this reason, doctors advise avoiding street snacks, especially during the hot season.

Flies bite and this can cause allergies, severe irritation, and itching. Insect bites need to be disinfected as soon as possible; any of the sanitizers that have become common in everyday life are suitable for this.


In most cases, the problem is easier to prevent than to solve. If the windows are open during the warmer months, you need to install screens on them. Seal gaps, do not leave doors open for a long time. At the entrance, you can also set a couple of traps or hang ribbons so that the flies in the house do not fly to the apartment. You don't need to leave food and drinks indoors, and dirty dishes in the sink, surfaces should be wiped clean, and pets' bowls and toilets should be clean. Organic waste attracts flies even if it is in a closed cabinet or bucket, so take it out daily. The sinks in the kitchen and bathroom must be clean.


Fly Repellent




Self-made traps should contain bait - pieces of fruit, syrups, jam. In parallel with the destruction of flies trapped in the room, install screens on the windows so that new insects, attracted by smells from the trap, do not fly in. Instructions for making a trap are given below.




There are many options for special insect tape. It is hung on the ceiling or chandelier, flies sit on the trap, stick, and die. You can make the tape yourself: cut the paper into strips, lubricate it with rosin or resin, in which castor or linseed oil, glycerin, and sugar are dissolved. The mixture must be prepared in a water spray.




They are best used indoors, from which people and pets should leave for a while. Close windows and doors, plug the fumigator into an outlet , and wait for the required time, which is indicated in the instructions for the product. Then the room needs to be ventilated, and nets on the windows are desirable so that insects do not fly into the treated apartment again.


Aerosol Sprays


It is extremely important to use insecticides away from food and personal hygiene items. Make sure that pets do not enter the treated area for a couple of hours - chemical sprays can be dangerous for them. After use, ventilate the area and wipe down the surfaces where the spray is deposited with a damp cloth.


Essential Oils

Like many insects, flies are sensitive to odours. Try lighting citronella candles or an aroma lamp with lavender, basil, eucalyptus, or mint essential oils. You can also add them to water and spray on doorframes and windowsills with a spray bottle.




Some herbs have a pungent-specific odour that repels flies. You can arrange in vases or spread branches of wormwood, bird cherry, elderberry, or nettle in a room with flies. Both fresh and dried plants are suitable - for a while, they also spread a bright aroma around.




Flies are attracted to light. Therefore, if you darken the room, leaving only the window open, there is a chance that insects will fly out. But this method is relevant only if there is nothing in the room that might interest them - drinks, food, dirt, and debris. Otherwise, the flies will continue to feed and reproduce without trying to leave the apartment.


Fly Swatter And Vacuum Cleaner

Fly swatter and vacuum cleaner

An old proven way to destroy some insects is physical impact, here a rolled newspaper or a commercially available fly swatter is suitable. The flies can be collected with a vacuum cleaner, but then the contents of the garbage bag must be discarded immediately. But such methods are good if there are one or two insects in the apartment or the owners want to relieve nervous tension.


Professional Disinfection


If there are too many insects, and the available methods have been tried and do not help, it makes sense to contact exterminators for flies pest control in Melbourne. Specialists will process the premises.


How To Make A Fly Trap


A plastic bottle with a cut-off neck is useful for this. There should be bait inside, preferably something sweet. The folded paper sheet is then placed inside the bottle with a sharp edge so that the tip does not touch the liquid. The flies will climb inside, but they will not be able to fly back through the narrow hole.


Another option for a trap is with soap suds. Table vinegar and a few drops of dishwashing liquid are poured into the bottom of the jar. The top of the jar is covered with cling film and a hole is made through which the flies can get inside.

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