Whole Guide With Post And Pre Kybella Instructions

Whole Guide With Post And Pre Kybella Instructions

One of the best treatment to eliminate a bag of fat underneath your chin is Kybella. It is the only fat removal treatment approved to dish out the submental fat. However, most med spas, physicians, and even doctors use Kybella to treat other areas with stubborn fat, such as the stomach and arms. 

Unlike Kybella's effective procedure of removing a double chin, fat removal for other areas hasn't been established. But for more information, you can check out the "Kybella near me" and get enlightened. 

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a non-surgical injectable procedure involving a series of deoxycholic acid injections? It targets the fat cells in the submental area. As the process is non-invasive, you don't face the knife, and the downtime is minimal in most cases.

When you make an appointment with your physician, which you can find by checking "Kybella near me," first, he will examine you and advise you on the number of sessions you require. And if you decide to work with him, he will give some posts and pre instructions you should follow for Kybella. And the essence of following these is to ensure you enjoy the optimal outcome of Kybella treatment. 

Some standard precautions include avoiding alcohol, caffeine, high sugar foods, and high-sugar, among many more, for 24-48 hours before and after treatment. 

Kybella Pre-Treatment Instructions

Following your doctor's advice on the pre-treatment helps minimize any adverse effects after treatment. 

  • If you are sure you're going to have the Kybella treatment, you must discontinue using particular drugs. These include Aspirin, Ginkgo Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, and E or any essential fatty acids for at least three days to 1 week. It's necessary to follow this so you can minimize bruising or bleeding. 
  • If you happen to get a cold/flu or a rash in the target area before treatment, it's best to reschedule your appointment. First, find "Kybella near me" and speak to an expert. Then proceed after it resolves. 
  • If you have a history of Dysphagia, breastfeeding, pregnancy, or trouble swallowing, then abstain from Kybella until the problem settles.  
  • Alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, high-sodium foods, and cigarettes are substances you need to forget at least for 24-48 hours before taking Kybella treatment. Why? Because all these may contribute to more swelling and irritation.
  • Ensure to have the target area cleaned before treatment. If it's men, please shave a week before or a few days if your hair grows too fast. Women should avoid makeup or perfume.
  • If you happen to have excess skin laxity, please check "Kybella near me" and seek advice. Some physicians will consider when performing the treatment, while others may not advise to do it.  
  • Ensure to have Kybella 2-3 weeks before an event, so you don't rush the recovery period by exposing yourself to the sun or any harsh environment.

Kybella Post-Treatment Instructions

Any post-instruction given by your doctor helps you enjoy your treatment outcome. 

  • Two days after or before Kybella treatment, some of the drugs you need to avoid are RetinaA, retinoids, or similar medicines.
  • Avoid harsh skin products like scrubs or exfoliation and bleaching creams. These will interfere with the healing.
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory/blood-thinning medications for pre-care and post-treatment. That is 10-14 days before and 3-4 days post-Kybella treatment. Examples of blood-thinning medicines include Aspirin, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, Omega 3/Fish Oil Supplements, Ginseng, St. John's Wort, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, etc. They increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections. Consult a 'Kybella near me' for more of these.
  • Consuming alcohol a week before Kybella treatment may also thin the blood, thus contributing to blood thinning and the risk of bruising.
  • Sleep with your head supported up for the next 2-3 days after your treatment, as it helps to minimize swelling underneath your chin.  
  • Extreme temperatures can be detrimental to your recovery. So, you need to avoid heat for the next 24 hours (sun, Jacuzzi, hot showers, etc.)
  • You can consider taking Arnica tablets a week before your injections to prevent bruising. It'd be best to first check with your doctor or find "Kybella near me."
  • Keep off from the gym, including running or doing any strenuous activity that may lead to sweating. When your body starts to sweat, it will interfere with Kybella's healing process.

Possible Kybella's Side Effects

After having your injections, you're likely to experience some swelling, minor bruising underneath the chin, and pinpoint bleeding. In addition, numbness may still last for up to 2 hours due to the numbing cream used during the pre-treatment. Of course, all these are normal adverse reactions you shouldn't worry about. But if you follow your doctor's post-treatment instructions, you can minimize all these symptoms. 

In Conclusion, Kybella is offered by a skilled practitioner or under a doctor's supervision. You don't have to go far to find a medspa; start from where you are, and search "Kybella near me." Then, make an appointment, and listen to your doctor. He'll give you some pre-care and post-instruction for Kybella that will benefit you. So, please refer to this article as your guide.

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