The pasta sauce is one of the most important parts of a pasta dish because without it the dish is incomplete. The pasta sauces that are available at Pasta Restaurants in LA are diverse and many times different.
FAQs You Should Ask
selecting the pasta sauce from places you have to know a few important things
about the sauces. These points will determine which sauce will be perfect with what
variety of pasta.
What Is The Origin Of Pasta Sauce?
word sauce has its roots in Latin which means salted. So when you hear the word sauce
then be sure that the Italian form of sauces is salted not sweet as in other parts
of the world.
What Is The Consistency?
Italian sauces mostly have a liquid consistency. But many times other
ingredients are added that make it thicker. The sauces are also the ones that
are spread on Italian sandwiches.
What Are The Main Ingredients?
In most, pasta sauces meat is the main ingredient because Italians don't like to add
meat as another ingredient. So whatever meat is selected is added to the sauce
with vegetables and spices.
Pasta Sauces
selecting the pasta sauces you have to look at a few points in terms of their
appearance. The chefs at Pasta Restaurants in LA make pasta sauces by keeping in mind the following
Diversity in Color
pasta sauces come in many colors when it is mixed with different varieties of
pasta. The restaurants have sauces in red, white, and even green. This variety
is always salty and sour.
Difference in Region
pasta sauces prepared in various restaurants like Burrata House are also available according to the different regions
of Italy. The uniqueness about this is that name sauces are almost the same but
the difference is in the ingredients.
Used With Other Ingredients
sauces are also prepared to keep in mind the ingredients that are
used with the sauce. For spaghetti red and meaty sauces are preferred. White
and green sauces are best for other kinds of pasta.
Pasta Restaurants in LA Serving Pasta Sauces
you visit the pasta restaurants you will find that the following authentic
Italian sauces are served with different varieties of pasta.
Traditional Tuscan Pomarola
is a traditional sauce that has its origin in Tuscany. It is simple and is
made from tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, salt, and basil. All the ingredients are
put in a pot, cooked, and sieved.
Best Bolognese Sauce
This sauce was created in the 18th Century, especially for lasagna. The
main ingredient of this sauce is minced meat that is then combined with
tomatoes, salt and pepper, and nutmeg. Red wine is added to enhance the color.
Fermented Fish Sauce Garum
is a special sauce that has been prepared with fermented fish since the time of Roman
rule in Italy. Fish guts were used to prepare the sauce with wine, oil, vinegar,
pepper, and salt as well.
Traditional Meat Sauce
Another meaty sauce comes from the Italian region of Tuscany as well. Along with the
meat, you add vegetables, wine, sausages, tomatoes, and olive oil.