It is not like hiring remote software developers is something attributed to start-up culture specifically. I realized that when I joined Gaper. Especially since the pandemic has upended the way we did things, working from home has become part of our new reality. True, our hand was forced by the need to follow social distancing but the merits of remote work can't be denied.
Employers all across the board have realized its potential in terms of greater productivity and reduced costs. However, it can be extremely difficult for startups to have good developer teams at their disposal.
It makes sense that most software developers would get snatched up by a tech giant because of greater benefits. In addition to that, the competition from other start-ups is also fierce. Hence, the purpose of this article. Before you start hiring remote software developers, there are some things that you should absolutely keep in mind.
Look Into Freelancers From Developing Countries
Firstly, I'd like to note some things about the hiring process. Jobs in the tech industry are indeed relatively well suited to remote work. However, it is the positive impact of COVID-19 on the IT industry which has resulted in a rapidly increasing demand for software developer jobs as businesses try to stay afloat amidst the uncertainty.
According to Daxx, the global talent shortage is predicted to reach 85.2 million workers. And currently, there are almost 1.5 million unfilled CS jobs in the US. The point is that hiring remote software developers from within the US right now is a bad idea generally.
The alternative to that is hiring talent from one of the developing countries. However, note that that would involve an even more rigorous vetting procedure with enforceable contracts and the like.
Get to Personally Know the Team
It goes a long way in motivating the team if you meet with the team itself. Mostly while in conversation with the development firm your point of contact would be from a managerial position. You should not make your decision based on that conversation.
Instead, insist on meeting with the team. You sit down with
them and explain what you have envisioned and what challenges need to be
overcome. In turn, you allow them to discuss what they think and share some
ideas they have going forward.
This will not only establish a communication line but also give you an idea of the team's drive and creativity. If you don't like what you gather or the team members don't look excited enough, don't hire them.
Secondly, meeting personally with the team members can psychologically humanize the work that they will do. Especially if you put in the resources to go and meet the team members in person to start off the project.
If that's not possible because of logistics or costs, you can at least try to meet with the project head. It will go a long way in establishing trust.
Structure the End-Goals.
Given the nature of software development, not everything is set in stone at the very beginning. The best way to go about it is to incorporate as much structure as possible. Obviously, communication to make sure both parties are on the same page is important.
Depending on the maturity of your start-up what the end goal would like would slightly differ. You would probably be wanting improvements or building an entirely new version of your product.
By structuring the process I mean having regular check INS for progress updates as well as filling in the missing pieces of the final portrait as you go along. You should also define a checklist of goals that need to be accomplished before the project is considered complete. In the beginning. So in the end, the team can defend how their work checks all the boxes.
Watering Promising Developers
The core philosophy for you as a founder should be to facilitate your team to take ownership of the project. So if you come across a developer who shows exactly all the signs that you want to see in a developer working for your company, I would suggest considering buying them out from the development company.
Or perhaps you can reach an agreement that would allow you to work with them outside of the contract. Secondly, you can consider offering remote developers equity in your company. That's the ultimate move on your part to motivate the developers to do their best work.
Usually, this is reserved for important in-house members of the start-up essential to its workings. However, it can be done on a contractual basis as well depending on the individual.
As a start-up, it is incredibly useful to have ways of making the most out of least. In that sense, start-ups have a lot of potentials to fine-tune processes and get down to the nitty-gritty of things. If you're a founder of a start-up and are looking to hire remote software developers, check out Gaper provides only the best of the best.