Getting the Best Catch: How to Improve Your Fishing Gear


Getting the Best Catch: How to Improve Your Fishing Gear

Before setting out for your all-day fishing trip, there's lots of planning and organizing to do. Not only will you have to make sure that you have all of the right kind of gear, but you'll have to plan your fishing trip on days where the weather and water's behaviors are suitable for fishing. Even anglers that have been in practice for years seem to forget gear or not even have the right kind of gear for the type of fishing they're engaging in. So exactly what gear do you need? And how can you improve your fishing gear?

Must-Have Gear for Every Angler

Whether you're fishing for small bluegill, trout, larger bass, or some other large fish, some particular fishing gear is vital. Aside from the essential fishing rod, reel, line, hooks, and your fishing license, you'll also need a fishing net to more easily capture the fish after you've hooked and fought with it. You'll need pliers to safely remove the hook from the fish's mouth, which can sometimes be difficult in smaller fish as they sometimes swallow the hook.

You'll also need a knife that you can use to cut the line, among other things. You can find manly knives for sale practically anywhere, but make sure that it's a high-quality one that won't rust easily after it's been exposed to water. Additionally, you'll need a measuring tool to measure the fish you catch. And for your own safety, you'll want a first aid kit, insect repellent, sunglasses, sunscreen, a hat, and some type of vest or windbreaker.

Keep Tackle Box Organized

You should make sure that your tackle box is organized before every fishing trip. Keeping your gear neat is vital to your safety, as it prevents you from accidentally snagging yourself on a hook. And it also elongates the life of your gear since it's less likely to get damaged when you're out and about. Even more, having a neat tackle box makes grabbing and finding the right kind of gear easier for you while you're fishing. The last thing you want to do while you have a fish hooked and ready to snatch is digging through your box for a pair of pliers.

To best keep your tackle box organized, make sure that you have a designated place for everything. Keep all the hooks together and away from lures, lines, and especially fake bait. And keep your line neatly wrapped around the spool that it came in (1).

Overstock on Hooks

You should also make sure that you have an abundance of hooks with you on every fishing trip. Regardless of what type of fish you plan on catching, every angler needs a sharp hook to easily and safely penetrate through a fish's lip. There are hook sharpeners that you can use to sharpen your bigger hooks after you've used them a few times, but these sharpeners are only capable of getting the hook so sharp.

Because of that, you'll want to make sure you have plenty of brand new sharp hooks. You may even lose some often when you get snagged and have to break your line, or even if a fish swallows the hook and you lose it. Furthermore, You'll need to make sure that you have different sized hooks for different sized fish.

Change The Line Annually

Lastly, you should make sure that you change your line every year. Most anglers aren't aware of the importance of chaining your line, but it's vital to make sure that your line is always as strong as it's advertised. Depending on the kind of fishing line you have, you can change it at different times. The monofilament line needs to be changed every few months and the braided line needs changing every few seasons.

This is vital because the fishing line weakens after you use it so many times, and it can even lose strength when exposed to UV rays. You can also improve the strength of your line by cutting off a few feet of it after every fishing trip. This removes the line that has the most wear and tear.

Overall, having the right gear before you set out on the trip is essential. Without the right equipment, you won't be as successful in catching the types of fish you want, and it won't be as easy either. Fishing gear is specifically designed to offer you both ease and convenience while on the water. Be sure to check out any new gear that you don't have in this article and consider re-organizing your tackle box of the season.

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