How To Treat A Corona Patient From COVID 19 Before It's Vaccine Comes?


Treat A Corona Patient From COVID 19

Covid-19, a deadly virus that has stopped the normal course of life for people, and we are all fearful by the thought of what will happen next. Schools, Offices, Colleges are all closed, people cannot go out, and several norms are implied by WHO to stay safe from the outbreak. No one can predict what the future holds for us in the wake of this pandemic. At present, the world is dealing with the crisis, despite having no full-proof ways of doing so. 


We are all waiting for the vaccine to be introduced so that the world can be in a better position then what it is currently. Until then, doctors are trying hard to take care of COVID-19 patients and observe what can work best and save their lives. The problem with this infection is that the same treatment is not working for all patients. If one thing is working for a patient, then something else is working for the other. Let us find out how to treat Covid-19 patients while waiting for the vaccines to be introduced. 




In general, Covid-19 is nothing but a sort of flu that is dangerous and can even cost a patient's life. Caused by Coronavirus, this disease is highly infectious and gets transmitted in ways no one can even think of. The most common symptoms of this infection include nothing major but fever, cold, cough, breathing problems. When caused in high intensity, a patient can develop acute breathing problems, and the oxygen level drops down considerably. Unless a patient develops severe symptoms, you can conveniently treat them at home.


The best part? You can treat Covid-19 at home as well, and by taking proper care of a patient, it is assured that they will recover from the illness. The treatment is more or less similar to the treatment of common cold and flu. There are several instances where people worldwide are cared for at home itself, and there was no need to take them to the hospital. You can ask a medical expert or can also choose to call your doctor to take his advice on whether you need hospital care or not. 


Scientists are trying hard to make vaccines or medicines to treat coronavirus patients, and they are also testing existing drugs to find out if something works. While waiting for full-proof medical treatments, you can effectively treat a COVID-19 patient, either at home or at the hospital, to relieve their symptoms. 


Find out a few tips and tricks suggested to help you deal with a Covid-19 patient, and you can also assist them in rapid recovery. With no further ado, let's get started. 


Home Care for Covid-19 Patients


If a patient has mild symptoms, then you can treat them at home for their efficient recovery. We can take good care of a patient at home to ensure that they recover faster. Let us see how we can do that. 


       Ask the patient to take as much rest as possible. It will help them feel better, and will also aid in speedy recovery. 


       Make them stay at home. Please don't allow them to visit public places or anywhere. They may infect others as well, hence, spreading the infection at home. Hence, during this time, it is advised that even if a person feels like they have a cough and cold, they should stay at home and treat it. Avoid going out until fully recovered. 


       Staying hydrated is crucial. Make the patient drink enough water and other fluids to ensure that water levels in their body stay balanced, and it doesn't run low. Losing water is normal when a person is sick. Dehydration shouldn't occur since it can make the symptoms worse, leading to other health problems. 


       Monitor the patient regularly. Take care if the symptom starts getting worse.

Immediately seek medical help if you feel there is something wrong with the patient. Don't straight away go and reach out to them. They may tell you to take some extra steps to deal with the situation. Protect the patient and do as advised to ensure that things go well. 


       The doctor may prescribe some over the counter medications that may help to lower the fever down. Medicines like Acetaminophen will prove effective. 

       Plasma Donation Therapy is also working for patients and helping them recover from Coronavirus. COVID recovered patients are requested to donate plasma that can assist the speedy recovery of other patients.


It is very important to keep the person isolated even at home. Ensure that they don't come in close contact with the elderly of age 65 years or above and those with underlying health problems. 


Follow the necessary norms to stay safe. 


       Ask the patient always to cover their sneezes with a tissue or their elbow to avoid spreading the infection through droplets. 


       Keep the patient in one place at home and allow no one to come in close contact with them. Using a separate bathroom and bedroom is recommended, if possible. Let others know that the person is sick so that they maintain a safe distance. 


       When going closer to them, always wear a mask to cover your mouth and nose. Also, ask them to do so. Mask is significant to prevent the spread of infection to a great extent. 


       Ask the patient to wash their hands with soap and water regularly. 


       Keep their utensils, cups, towels, beds, etc. separate. Please don't mix them with others at their home. 


       Disinfectant and clean some surfaces that they might have touched to ensure that they are not infected. Such surfaces include tabletops, doorknobs, countertops, etc. 


What to Expect: Conclusion


It usually takes around 4-14 days for the symptoms to show up in a person after contact with the virus. A few studies have concluded that people who developed mild symptoms get covered in around 10-14 days. They should take complete rest and stay at home until fully recovered. People who developed severe symptoms may even take six weeks to recover entirely from the illness. 


Ask your doctor, and they will advise that for long, you should isolate yourself.

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