Vintage Hot Wheels Value: A Number You Can’t Imagine In Your Dreams

Vintage Hot Wheels Value

Ever since its inception, Hot Wheels Redline Cars have been on the list of favorites of people of all ages and gender.

Collecting the old version of these cars has become the hobby of many peoples. The craze for these cars has gone to the next level and collectors are ready to pay any amount to make these cars a part of their collection.

The cars manufactured between the years 1960 to 1977 are considered very collectible by toy experts worldwide. The car manufactured in this range is grouped into the category of rare redline hot wheels not only because they are old, but they have a history associated with them.

Out of the various reasons, some prime ones include copyright issues, a fewer number of a particular car manufactured, etc.

In this article, I am going to list down the top 3 rarest and the most desirable Hot Wheels Redline cars that toy experts have a unanimous opinion for.

It is worth mentioning here that many toy experts have different opinions about the most desirable and the rarest ones. I gave mentioned the names based on the opinion of the majority.

1.         Pink Rear-Loading Beach Bomb

Leading the chart and the one that most of the experts have a unanimous opinion on is the Pink rear-loading Beach Bomb.

This prototype was in the possession of a Mattel employee and no general public is known to own this car. It is considered unique as its surfboards load through the rear window, unlike others.

This Beach Bomb design was changed as it proved to be too narrow and top-heavy. A different version of this car was created that featured side-mounted surfboards. A full-length plastic sunroof for a lower center of gravity was also included in this model.

As of today, only two Pink versions are known to exist, which clearly explains why it is on the top of the chart.

2.        Over Chrome Camaro

This prototype was never meant for mass production. This car was made for advertisement only. Only a limited number of pieces of these were created. The antifreeze-over-chrome-finish Camaro is the color of this rare piece. As per toy experts, only 20 models of these cars are in existence to date. This car is famous for one more reason. The way of manufacturing resembles Christian ornaments and is hence famous.

3.        Over Chrome Mustang

This model was also meant for advertisement purposes only and was never put for mass production.

Till today, it is a mystery how this model managed to slip out of the hands of Mattel employees.

 As per toy experts’ vintage hot wheels value of this car is in the range of $40000.

As mentioned earlier that there can be a difference in opinion of toy experts as to which hot wheels redline cars one of these should be considered the rarest and the most desirable.

However, most of the experts agreed with these three prototypes. If your forefathers have left this for you then you have a jackpot in disguise with you. You can’t imagine the value these cars can add to your bank account.

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