Golang, a relatively unknown programming language, has been under the spotlight for a few years now. And as per the developers, they are really enjoying the Google-developed language for backend development. But, in this blog, we will talk about Go for mobile development and why the language is well-suited for it.
- Cross-Platform
And Open-Source
an open-source language, is a good choice if you want a language that
emphasizes stability and simplicity. Open-source languages provide for
technological agility, which enables businesses to start small and expand as
offered developers the flexibility to contribute to the development of the
project when it established Golang. One can fix any flaws that are already
there, improve performance, and propose enhancement ideas. This is due to the
fact that GitHub makes it simple to obtain Golang's source code.
compared to proprietary solutions, open-source languages are frequently less
expensive. As a result, you have access to advanced features and may provide
effective resources (such as tools, packages, libraries, etc.) to others.
● Golang is extremely beneficial for developing cross-platform applications. It supports a plethora of platforms like Windows, macOS, Linux, etc. Moreover, you can run a program in Windows if you have written it on macOS.
- Excellent Raw
is a compiled language and statically typed data. Because of the compiler's
ability to build optimized machine code when it is aware of the specific data types
being used, static typing often results in compiled code that runs more
addition, it has minimal keywords and short syntaxes. The language semantics
were created with a very short compilation time in mind. Golang provides
effective dependency management and very quick startup times. One executable
file is produced by the compiler, which you may upload from any location.
are used to facilitate concurrent code execution in parallel processing thanks
to Golang's special CSP (Communication Sequential Processes) architecture,
which is part of the language's core.
are threads (lightweight) that aid in managing and carrying out several tasks
at once. And the channels are the means through which goroutines exchange
various types of data.
Golang is highly scalable and is perfect for developing enterprise apps. So,
you can imagine why developers use Go for mobile development.
- Simple To Learn
❖ Due to Golang's comparable syntax
to C, programmers with a background in C or Java will find it simple to learn.
Additionally, Golang has a small feature set, which is great for newcomers
learning the language from scratch.
❖ Golang is quite simple to read, so
you will be able to understand what other people are writing. Furthermore, you
won't need to spend much time looking through reference materials to comprehend
the code.
❖ The language offers sufficient
libraries, tools, and packages for programmers to use when developing. The GORM
library, Gen tool, Goose, and cli packages have all been praised by developers
for their usefulness. They also enjoy Go Kit, Vegeta, Authboss, and other
- Incorporated For
The Cloud
➔ You will notice that the majority
of today's apps are cloud-native if you pay close attention. And when building
the language, particularly on the server side, the Golang developers kept this
knowledge in mind.
➔ Millions of codes are processed
every second on the cloud. Concurrency in Golang is useful in this situation.
Only a language with a high level of scalability can change to accommodate
changing business needs, more users, and more queries.
➔ Container-based cloud computing
technologies written in Go include Docker and Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a handy
container management solution for deploying, automating, and scaling software
➔ Docker, on the other hand, is a
platform for running your programme. Containers serve as the operational units
of clusters, and Kubernetes (cloud operating system) controls their
➔ Cloud services and online
applications should embrace AI. Troubleshooting the entire DevOps cycle becomes
more challenging and time-consuming when many programming languages are
➔ Because it combines the advantages
of Java and Python with new capabilities, Golang is the top language candidate
for cloud-based services and web applications that are AI-enabled.
- Excellent App
★ When it comes to the loading and
response times of business software, performance is absolutely essential. It
is closely related to client satisfaction, as you could expect.
★ Go performs almost as well as C and
C++, which is advantageous. Go is AOT compiled and has no virtual machine, thus
the programmes run quicker and with less warm-up time.
★ Go features automated trash
removal. This aids in healthy memory management. Go frees it up for usage
elsewhere if it isn't in use. Due to its code encapsulation properties, this
actually reduces security flaws.
★ Go has a modest memory footprint. The statically linked binaries make it perfect for creating microservices and quick corporate apps.
- Impressive
➢ Golang is becoming well known as a
language that provides excellent security. Developers have to consider the
language's security because it is utilized for cloud computing and servers and
has strong capabilities for data processing.
➢ Since its inception, developers
have relied on Golang to create command-line tools. Recent research also
indicates that it has extremely few weaknesses. Additionally, administrators
can sanitize user input and utilize HTMLEscapeString to avoid SQL injection.
➢ The regular expression parser in Go 1.17.8, Go 1.16.15 and Go 1.18 release candidate 1, now rejects expressions that are extremely deeply nested due to a security upgrade. Given that Go patch releases do not provide new APIs, the parser in this case returned syntax.ErrInternalError. Syntax.ErrNestingDepth, a more specific error that the parser now returns in its place, is a new feature in Go 1.19.
- Availability of
Testing Frameworks
are several benefits to using testing frameworks. They include tools like
assertions and matches that are missing from the testing package. Many provide
mocking, advanced test automation, and result reporting tools. Some even help
with test generation, which cuts down on the amount of time needed to write
may use Testify in addition to the testing package. For value comparison and
validation, it offers a number of assertion routines. Additionally, it offers
easy-to-use resource mocking capabilities. Its suite package makes it easier to
create test suites so that pertinent tests may be arranged.
GoConvey testing framework, which adheres to the BDD paradigm, supports the go
test command. It employs a domain-specific language (DSL) that is expressive
and simplifies the process to construct incredibly readable, self-documenting
Do you now
get why developers are choosing Golang for developing enterprise apps? There’s
just so many features and helpful resources that one cannot disregard.