A dermatologist is a medical specialist that diagnoses disorders related to the skin, hair, and nails. Dermatologists are doctors because they are qualified to practice medicine and restore physical and mental health. Dermatologists also offer services related to cosmetic tissues that will help re-energize the skin's tissues, making you appear more beautiful. Here are the five top services offered by dermatologists.
Cancer Treatments
Skin cancer occurs due to the abnormal growth of skin cells, particularly on surfaces of the skin that are exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun. However, skin cancer can still occur on parts not necessarily exposed to sunlight. A dermatologist has the expertise to remove cancerous cells from your skin permanently.
Dermatologists can diagnose three main types of skin cancer, namely carcinoma, squamous cell, and melanoma. The main parts of the human body that are highly susceptible to skin cancer include the face, lips, neck, and hands. It’s also crucial to note that skin cancer can affect anyone regardless of age, skin complexion, and gender.
Dermatologists will perform a series of procedures before diagnosing any type of skin cancer. Some of the symptoms of skin cancer that should prompt you to book an appointment with a dermatologist include the development of brownish spots on your skin, regular painful burns, purple patches on the skin, and the appearance of mucous membranes on sensitive tissues such as the vagina.
This is the most common type of skin disorder that makes your skin appear swollen, dry, and pale. Dermatitis occurs in three primary forms: atopic, contact, and seborrheic dermatitis.
The primary symptoms of dermatitis include itchiness, thickening of the skin, rashes, and formation of blisters that begin to ooze with mucous over time. In most cases, dermatitis occurs when your skin comes into contact with substances that trigger allergic reactions in your body. However, this is not the only cause of dermatitis since persons exposed to bacteria, dandruff, genetic disorders are also prone to dermatitis.
However, the good news is that a dermatologist can prescribe several medications to treat dermatitis. In most cases, dermatologists will recommend using a 15 TCA chemical peel that has the components that can soften your skin, stimulate the growth of epidermal cells, and consequently reverse any visible symptoms of dermatitis. In some cases, dermatologists may also recommend medicated shampoos and detergents when treating dermatitis. Dermatitis treatment will also vary depending on the analysis of dermatologists, and it is best to visit a dermatologist before you begin using self-treatment dermatitis techniques.
Loss Treatments
Hair loss is a hereditary ailment that can affect a part of your body, such as the scalp or the entire body. In some cases, hair loss can be temporal, which means your hair will begin to grow after some time or a permanent condition. Additionally, there are other causes of hair loss, such as ailments, aging, and changes in the hormones in your body.
Hair loss can be gradual or instant depending on its causative agent. Moreover, hair loss will manifest in different forms, such as baldness, especially in aged people, full-body hair loss, alopecia aerate, and hair thinning. A dermatologist can prescribe medications that will cause your hair to grow quickly and prevent further loss of hair.
Related Disorder Treatments
A dermatologist can diagnose diverse nail problems such as melanoma, the most common nail problem. Changes in the nail color, shape, and formation of dark streaks on some nails are signs that you have a nail disorder. Once you notice these changes in your nails, it's best to visit a dermatologist and get a clear picture of what nail condition may be developing in your nails.
Most nail problems result from fungal and bacterial infections and always indicate that you may be having another body infection. A dermatologist is a medical practitioner who treats and diagnoses these disorders.
Care Treatments
A dermatologist can identify skin-related problems such as the formation of wrinkles on your body that affect your overall appearance. The dermatologist will help repair your skin and nails through proper medication and thus beautify your skin and nails. It’s important to note that significant differences exist between cosmetologists and dermatologists. Cosmetologists are not medical professionals and can only beautify your skin using manicures and pedicures, while dermatologists use medication to diagnose skin, hair, and nail-related disorders.
Dermatologists play very vital roles in treating skin cancer, dermatitis, and hair loss disorders. In this blog, you will find the top five services offered by dermatologists.