Search engine optimization, or SEO, should be at the top of
the list of strategies that affiliates use to bring targeted traffic to their
sites. Even though a lot of people are under the impression that SEO is
difficult and only for experienced marketers, there are actually a number of
simple things that complete beginners can do to their websites to help increase
search engine rankings.
Domain Name & Affiliate Niche Focus
The easiest SEO strategy begins when the domain name is picked
out for a new site. By registering domain name that is an exact match
with a keyword phrase that receives decent monthly traffic, it puts an
affiliate in a prime position to get traffic for that phrase. Even though these
exact match domains, or EMDs, can be hard to find, they are well worth the
effort to track down.
Too many beginners will create their first affiliate site to target a wide variety of type of products or services. Although this can help to save money with domain name registration fees and time with new website construction, this strategy can actually be counterproductive. A site should have a tightly defined niche focus unless it is going to offer a ton of pages of content.
Competition for more general keyword phrases can be extremely
tough, so large websites with a lot of topics relating to the general phrases
are needed to get good rankings. When a site narrows topics to a more specific
subject, it becomes a niche website. A niche site can have fewer pages of
content and still get good rankings because it is recognized as an authority
site for that narrow range of topics.
Page Titles and File Names
An extremely simple SEO Gold Coast strategy
to use for better search engine rankings is proper naming of pages and files.
The page title is typically also used to create the actual web address to reach
it, especially with many popular content management systems like Word Press. As
a result, good page naming habits can benefit both of these important aspects
of SEO.
Other files that are referenced on the site can also be named
with keyword phrases to boost rankings. This is especially the case with image
files that are going to be embedded on a website. These images can be indexed
by search engines like Google, so they can actually help bring traffic to an
affiliate site.
Effective Keyword Targeting Strategies
There are tons of different strategies floating around the
internet for keyword targeting. Unfortunately, a lot of SEO articles can
contain dated information, but timeless and simple strategies have been
outlined here. Keyword targeting is one of the most important of these because
it is most commonly abused.
When it comes to targeting a search engine keyword phrase,
this is generally best done when a single phrase is the main target of each
page. Most people know and practice this strategy, but they generally do it the
wrong way. When it comes to using a targeted keyword phrase in an article, less
is usually more.
Overuse of the targeted phrase is the number one mistake when
it comes to this strategy. Instead of using the phrase over and over again to
talk about it, try to describe the phrase with other words. Every word has other
words that relate to it, so using these words in article content can provide a
major ranking boost. This is what the powerful search engines like Google
really look for when it comes to content and keyword relevancy.