Well, having a logo is becoming crucial for all
companies. No matter if it is a small-scale or a large-scale brand. It lets you
uniquely identify your brand in the market among millions of others.
Even most of the time people just remember the
brand because of the appealing logo. The human mind is much more habituated to
remembering visuals, that’s the reason why companies are emphasizing it. It has equal importance as the other components of the business and must be
designed strategically.
However, designing a logo isn't an easy task. It
requires expertise and a creative mind to make the best ever. There are a lot
of components that need to be incorporated logically so that it gives the
appealing look. Such as fonts, colors, shapes, etc. and your logo
design must contain everything nicely to make it eye-catching. It must hold
the personality of the brand as well as be able to lure the customers.
In this case, you can take the help of the logo
design company as they have knowledge of what would suit them the most. So,
let’s discuss some of the best pairing of colors and fonts for your logo.
Font Combinations
Fonts are one of the most attractive elements of
the whole custom logo design. As viewers, first attention would be towards the
brand name which is written with some attractive font. Additionally, you can
use more than one font in the same logo to differentiate the two separate
names. However, make sure that they look nice to each other and possibly from
the same font family.
01. Montserrat and Courier New
A great combination of fonts that makes your
custom logo design appealing. The primary aim of designing Montserrat is to
reduce the beauty of urban typefaces in the market. The font design is inspired
by the signs in Buenos Aires.
Moreover, most of the time when we search for fonts then definitely come across the Courier New font, it’s highly popular.
Even for the printed and digital forms, for both the combinations of it are remarkable.
Today, a lot of logo design companies use these combinations. Therefore, it
won’t be the wrong choice to use it for custom logo design.
02. Source sans pro and Time new
Times new roman is extensively used in printed and digital forms for writing. However, it has great visuality to
include in the logo design as it’s a highly readable, classic serif. Although,
it's an older typeface but can give your design an outstanding look for sure.
Along with that Source sans pro is the best combination,
it is a modern typeface. It is Adobe's first open-source typeface family. It
improves the clarity and legibility of the design. Hence, it will surely give
your logo a modern look that attracts more people.
03. Rockwell and Bembo
Rockwell is considered to be one of the best
classic slab serif fonts. It has the power to capture the attention of the
people and hold the personality of the brand. The bold version of it is
perfectly suitable for the headlines, titles, and the line which want to
Bembo is another attractive and versatile font
that gives your logo an elegant look. It gives a nice appearance in the body
text or the details. That means both the font along with each other would be
the best choice for your custom logo design.
Color combinations
It is highly essential to understand the psychology of colors before using it
in the logo design. Each color indicates some valuable message and if it is
used nicely then make your custom logo design meaningful. Based on what message
you want to illustrate, the choice of color also should be similar to that.
01. Yellow and Green
A great color combination to include in your
logo design. The Yellow color evokes feelings of happiness, and optimism. Whereas,
Green is a cool color and hence more often used in design related to nature.
Specifically, the brand relates to agriculture or
the environment this color combination would be the best choice. It holds the
personality of the business and viewer and relates to it more easily.
Therefore, this is how this pairing is the perfect choice for your logo.
02. Red and Black
Another superior color pairing that makes your
logo bold and shiny. This combination shows the full energy hence many sports
teams have incorporated red and black in the logo and jersey as well.
You can use any of the colors as background and
foreground. But the red has more power to highlight the name of the brand and
looks catchy as well. Red indicates excitement, passion, and danger, whereas black
is used to convey messages mysterious, protection, and much more.
03. Yellow and Blue
One more eye-catching color combination for your logo. Yellow is much more popular for
attention-grabbing that’s why it is the perfect choice to include. Yellow is
considered to be a bright color and along with Blue makes it the perfect
Wrapping up
While making logos, it is highly essential to
understand the significance of the design elements. The overall appearance of
the logo highly depends on how you utilized those elements. As discussed, color
and fonts are also vital to design elements and the above-mentioned points let
you understand how you can make the best use of its design appealing logo.